Amanda Jane Daley has mentored thousands of health coaches

How to Convert Sales With Confidence, Heart + Soul

You have amazing gifts to bring into the world + I know you can reach even more people with my 7-step simple sales script that will:

1. Help you convert prospects into paying coaching clients with confidence, heart and soul.

2. Empower you with talking points so that you are never at a loss for words again.

3. Allow you to move through Discovery Calls with grace, ease and flow.


Your FREE sales script, How to Convert Soulful Sales, will be sent immediately to the email address you submit above as soon as you register!

Erin Laishey | Health Coach

"A week after a mentoring session with Amanda about my money issues and clearing those blocks, I found my first client. I was in shock at how easy it was.  Since then I've signed up another 3 clients (this was double my initial goal so that's pretty cool). I am now 10 million times more confident that I will get clients - and have realized that the confidence is key."

Andrea Featherstone | Mindfulness Coach

"I now have 19 new 3-month clients, and am regularly getting 2-4 Discovery Sessions per week, and am converting 90% of them to clients! It's so exciting!  I've quit my part-time job and am now working full-time as a coach. I absolutely love it, and I am planning to go and work in Bali for 2 months in August - just because I can!"