We are accepting a handful of applications for a limited time. Apply now to secure your spot.


3 Part Framework for Consistent Clients + Income

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We’re currently enrolling for The UPswing Mastermind:  

The Ultimate Business Experience for those dedicated to getting Consistent Clients and Income - while creating massive impact - through Health Coaching.  

Now is your chance to join UPswing Mastermind (at a very special price) but only until the offer expires:



I’ve helped 100s of Health Coaches - including the best in the industry - grow their businesses from 0 clients to fully-booked!

In the past 10 weeks of being part of the Mastermind, I have made $10,000, and signed a new client to my brand new program — charging 3 times more than I did before! And this is only the beginning stages! I can’t wait to see where my business is in a year’s time." — Amanda Pickering, UK

"I was stuck!! Committing to a target market was the deepest darkest hole for me to climb out of, and something I’d been struggling for a long time.

Since I got clear on this, everything is 1000 x easier and flowing so much better! 

I am consistently making great money each month, and I feel totally at ease during discovery sessions. In fact, I just had my first $4K month!"

Rachel Sizemore, USA

"Before working with Amanda I was scared to put myself out there. Now I'm getting consistency with new clients, which feels great. Last month was the first month I've made more money from health coaching and personal training than I do in my part-time job. That means financial freedom for me. I've had an opportunity to go to Italy for 3 weeks, and I don't think I would have said yes if it wasn't for this program. In the 3 months I have been in the Mastermind I have doubled my revenue compared to the 3 months prior. And I have to say I'm thrilled!" — Emma Polette, Australia

In the first 12 weeks of the UPswing Mastermind I made $12k from my Health Coaching business. My investment has been paid back 2-3 x over already, but more importantly I am just so happy that I am making an impact in all of these people’s lives. I have 3 small children, so didn’t know if I’d have the time to make this work – but I am only working 1.5 days a week on my business and stoked with the results. I feel like I have jumped on the ‘fast-track'.” — Jennie Gough, UK

So if you’re tired of throwing (gluten-free) spaghetti at the wall trying see what sticks — If you want to know EXACTLY HOW to get clients and get started — and you’re so damn ready to take your Health Coaching business from HOBBY to SUCCESS in 2020 . . . Click here to find out more APPLY today >>

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