(FREE 4 Day LIVE Training for Health Coaches)

✨ Savvy Socials ✨⁣
4-day Client Attracting Bootcamp

Step-by-step process to create 30 days of client-attracting content, to fill your coaching schedule + fall in love with social again.


Challenge Starts
October 16 - USA
(October 17 - AUS)

Daily LIVE
Video Trainings
Plus Bonus Masterclass

Over the FREE 4-Day Challenge, You Will:


Create viral-worthy content on social media that resonates with the right audience for you!

Identify who you really want to reach and impact online so you don't spend hours trying to figure out what to say...and you don't go weeks between post.

Map out a content plan that prompts your ideal clients to take the next step and gets them amped up about working with you so when you “sell” it feels like a natural next step.

Implement my 4x4 Magnetic Social Media Framework to produce consistently engaging health and wellness content for consistent content, clients and impact.

Sound good? I thought so, too!



  • You've ever spent hours writing a post for your health coaching business, creating a graphic, finally getting the nerve to post it --only to hear crickets
  • Lately, social media has been a total time suck where quickly checking notifications turns into a few hours of mindless scrolling and ends with feeling unproductive plus a case of comparison-itis to those influencers you follow
  • You just want a step-by-step process on how to go from blindly posting online to booking actual Discovery Calls with your soulmate clients
  • You’re serious about getting the word about your coaching biz out to the world and creating real impact (+ income!)

Trust me. I get it.

You’re tired of feeling like you’re always behind on social media. And you know your health coaching business deserves more than just an occasional post here or tweet there to keep up with this ever-changing world of social media marketing.

This is where my Social Challenge comes in to help you go from a social media slacker to social media expert, armed with all of the tools and knowledge needed to create viral-worthy content that lands dream clients in your DMs and filing your coaching schedule.


Hi, I'm Amanda

I am so excited you found this page because it is my goal to help as many Health Coaches achieve more freedom in their lives...and I hope you are one of them! 

I’ve helped hundreds of Health Coaches - including many of the best in the industry - grow their businesses from zero clients to fully-booked coaching schedules.

So are you ready?

With this FREE Challenge, there’s absolutely no risk on your part, heck I am taking all the risk for you. Your work is so needed right now. It is time to show up, to serve, to share your message, and be seen. You simply cannot play small anymore. So are you with me?

Hope to see you in the Challenge!

xo, Amanda

✨ Savvy Socials ✨⁣
4-day Client Attracting Bootcamp

Step-by-step process to create 30 days of client-attracting content, to fill your coaching schedule + fall in love with social again.

Starts Monday 16 October if you’re in the US
(Tuesday 17 if you’re in Australia)


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